Dental implants can boost your confidence by making your smile prettier. It is also a common practice for replacing missing teeth among adults because of its functionality and comfort. There are certain healthy practices you have to follow so that your dental implant lasts long. Having no cavities or decay does not imply that one has healthy dental implants. Hence the cleaning routine of your dental implant should be as diligent as your natural teeth. Ensuring the longevity of your dental implants requires specific and deliberate efforts to keep them free of germs and certain harmful bacteria. In addition to getting helpful advice from experts like the Natural Teeth Implant Center, here are certain things one can do to take care of dental implants.
Tips To Take Care Of Your Dental Implants
Here are a few ways to take care of your dental implants at home so that they last longer and keep you away from dental-related diseases.
Using soft toothbrushes
Using a soft nylon brush to clean your dental implants can gently clean them without harming their stability. The use of a Proxabrush can clean the hard-to-reach areas around the implants. Toothbrushes with hard bristles can scratch and damage the surface of implants and hence should be strictly avoided.
Avoiding products that are abrasive<H/3>
Buying sensitive teeth cleaning products that are not abrasive after getting your dental implants is highly recommended. Abrasive teeth cleaning products along with products that have intense flavors can cause harm to the dental implants.
Flossing your teeth daily
Flossing with dental implants is more important than your natural teeth because the implants get more prone to plaque and other oral hygiene issues. There are also many types of flosses that are designed especially for dental implants.
Avoiding hard and sticky food
This might be a bummer but hard and sticky food can result in permanent damage to your dental implants. Certain foods like caramel, dry fruits, hard candies, carrots, and apples should be ideally avoided if you get your dental implant.
Avoiding alcohol and smoke
Although alcohol and smoking are injurious for your health, it is particularly injurious for your dental implants. It takes about six months for your dental implants to heal and smoking during this period is inevitably detrimental.
Scheduling a regular visit to the dentist
To look after your overall oral health, planning a regular visit to the dentist at least twice a year after getting your implants is recommended. Regular visits to the dentist along with proper home care can make your dental implants last a long time.
You should keep your dental implants free of harmful bacteria and plaque by practising the above-mentioned healthy tips. In certain cases, destructive inflammatory conditions like peri-implantitis can harm the soft and hard tissues around the dental implant. When faced with such challenges, one can always visit
Natural Teeth Implant Center
9722 Touchton Road
Jacksonville Florida 32246
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